Nifty Shiftin'

A 4x32 bar Reel for 4 couples in a 4-couple longwise set

Music: Tam Lin. (abc version).

Note: Throughout the description I will refer to "in" and "out". "In" means towards the middle of the dance (ie down from 1st place and up from 4th place) and "out" means away from the middle of the dance (up from 2nd place and down from 3rd place).

Although the dance is officially in an ordinary 4-couple longwise set, bars 17-32 best suit a set which is as wide as it is long (and will probably tend towards this) - so let this be a warning.

This dance has two chords. On the second chord, 3rd and 4th couples change sides.
Bars 1-4: 1st and 4th couples cross over giving right hands and cast in. 2nd and 3rd couples step out on bars 3 and 4.
5-8: 1st and 4th couples turn half way giving left hands and melt into left hands across half way. Finish in a St. Andrews cross formation, left hands joined in the centre, right hands joined with corners (note this is someone of the same sex).
9-16: 1st and 4th couples dance a double spoke - set joining hands with each corner in turn, rotating one place anticlockwise each time (2 bars per corner).
17-20: 4th man followed by 4th lady dances out the men's side and casts up while 1st man followed by 1st lady dances out the ladies' side and casts off while 2nd and 3rd couples cross over giving right hands and set one bar to the person with whom they have just crossed, and one bar facing up or down.

Finish with 4th couple side by side at the top of the dance, facing down, and 1st couple side by side at the bottom, facing up, men on the left of their partners.

21-22: All change place with the facing person giving right hands (2L with 3M, 4L with 1M, 4M with 1L, 2M with 3L).
23-24: 1st lady followed by 1st man cast to their right and off while 4th lady followed by 4th man cast to their right and up while 3rd and 2nd couples set one bar to the person with whom they have just changed places, and one bar facing across.
Finish with (from 1M position) 3M, 4L, 4M, 2L facing 3L, 1M, 1L, 2M.
25-26: All cross with the facing person giving right hands.
27-28: 1st man followed by 1st lady cast up and to their right while 4th man followed by 4th lady cast off and to their right while 3rd and 2nd couples set one bar to the person with whom they have just crossed, and one bar facing up or down.

Finish with 1st couple side by side at the top of the dance, facing down, and 4th couple side by side at the bottom, facing up, men on the left of their partners.

29-30: All change place with the facing person giving right hands (3L with 2M, 1L with 4M, 1M with 4L, 3M with 2L).
31-32: 4th and 1st couples separate and cast off or up respectively while 2nd and 3rd couples set one bar to the person with whom they have just changed places, and one bar facing across.

Finish in the order 2,4,1,3 ready to start again.

Note: In the figure in bars 17-32, dancing couple always go to the right, alternating whether the man or the lady leads. It's like a sort of tandem version of the figure in Moving Cloud or Australian Ladies.

Devised by Ian Brockbank. Copyright 5th March 2000.

For Brian and Clare East, our role models. Brian suggested the title to me at the New Scotland Annual Ball at the end of January, 1999, and the tune Tam Lin fitted the name, but it took me more than a year to find the steps to go with them.

If you try this dance, please let me know how you get on.

The sheet music for the tune 'Tam Lin'
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Page last modified 31-03-04 .

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This page is maintained by Ian Brockbank
Edinburgh, Scotland

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