The Broderer

A 4x40 bar Strathspey for 4 couples in a 4-couple longwise set

Music: The Thistle (trad, Kerr’s Collection).

Bars 1-4: 1st couple set and turn once round giving right hands.
Bars 5-8: Retaining nearer hands, 1st couple dance down one place (2nd couple step up) and turn half way to face 1st corners.
Bars 9-10: 1st couple set to 1st corners.
Bars 11-12: 1st couple turn 1st corners giving left hands.
Bars 13-14: 1st couple turn 2nd corners giving right hands. Finish in 2nd place.
Bars 15-16: All four couples set.
Bars 17-24: All dance reels of four on the sidelines.
Bars 25-28: 1st couple set and cast off one place (3s step up).
Bars 29-32: 1st couple dance half a figure of eight around 4th couple.
Bars 33-34: 1st and 4th couples turn once round giving both hands, opening out into...
Bars 35-36: 1st and 4th couples circle four hands round tot he left half way.
Bars 37-40: 4th and 1st couples turn once and a half times with both hands.

Finish in the order 2,3,4,1, ready to start again.

Devised by Ian Brockbank. Copyright December 1998.

Written for Joy Bradshaw, Christmas 1998. In 1998 Mrs Bradshaw was awarded The Broderer's Prize for her services to The Embroiderers' Guild.

If you try this dance, please let me know how you get on.

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Page last modified 8-10-02 .

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Except where otherwise indicated, all content on this site (including text, images, dance descriptions and any other original work) is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

This page is maintained by Ian Brockbank
Edinburgh, Scotland

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