Upstairs Downstairs

A 4x32 bar Reel for 4 couples in a 4-couple longwise set

Music: Itchy Fingers (R. Mathieson) and/or Sandy's New Chanter (Tom MacAllister jnr), both published in "Marking Time" Book 1.

Note: Throughout the description I will refer to "in" and "out". "In" means towards the middle of the dance (ie down from 1st place and up from 4th place) and "out" means away from the middle of the dance (up from 2nd place and down from 3rd place).

This dance starts with 2 chords. On the second chord, 3rd and 4th couples change sides.

Bars 1-2: 1st man casts off while 4th man casts up (2nd man stepping up and 3rd man stepping down).
3-4: 1st and 4th men set to each other.
5-8: 1st and 4th men turn once round right hand.
9-16: 1st and 4th ladies repeat, turning left hand.
17-20: 2nd and 1st couples, and 4th and 3rd couples dance right hands across once round.
21-24: 1st and 4th couples dance left hands across once round, to finish back to back in the centre, 1st couple facing 2nd couple and 4th couple facing 3rd couple, all facing someone of their own sex.
25-32: 1st and 4th couples dance "hello-goodbye" setting to change places and sides.
Finish in the order 2413, 1st and 3rd couples on the opposite side of the dance, ready to start again.

Devised by Ian Brockbank. Copyright May 1998.

Devised for Diana Fair and Sandy Small and presented to them on the occasion of their Wedding in Birmingham, Oct. 24th 1998, with love from Ian Brockbank. Diana and Sandy met when Diana lived in the flat immediately above Sandy's in a Marchmont tenement.

If you try this dance, please let me know how you get on.

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Page last modified 8-10-02 .

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Except where otherwise indicated, all content on this site (including text, images, dance descriptions and any other original work) is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

This page is maintained by Ian Brockbank
Edinburgh, Scotland

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